Kamis, 11 Juni 2009


We must practiced before the drama contest start

In the early 2009 one of our English teachers, Mr. Nico, gave us English task. He asked us to make drama which was going to be performed in the end of May. The task of drama was intended for the students of class 8. There were twelve groups. However, we had different topics. In February we were asked to make texts or scripts of drama. The tasks were submitted to Mr. Nico. The following month we were looking for property for the drama. It took a long time to find all the properties. All of us could work together well. We enjoyed our work very much. We divided our work equally and we always worked hand in hand.
In April it was time for us to make recording. We had recording in Lambert Studio. The owner of the studio is a teacher of Soyus. It was located in Munggut. Before having recording nine of us gathered at school. It took 20 minutes to get there from school. As soon as we arrived there one of us made video recording about the topic of the drama. Although we were the students from regular class we must be better than the special class. It means that all students of Soyus always work hard to improve and to be the best. Good achievement means bright future for the students of St. Joseph.

Everything was ready. It was time for us to perform our drama in the school hall. However, many of us got nervous and some of us didn’t have enough self confidence. But the show must go on. At the end of our performance the audience gave big applause. We were very happy. In fact, we could do our best. It was really an unforgettable experience.
Thank you Mr. Nico.

By : Hizkia (8c)
Tina A (8b)
Calvin (8c)
Nesya (8b)
Jefri Saputra (8c)
Windy (8d)
Felycia W (8c)
Avinda V (8c)
Anggi A (8c)

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